Friday, February 19, 2010

Musical Influence

Here is the soundtrack I am currently listening to in order to create the images for the new series. I love the feel of both, deep sadness and yet a simple little tune that spins its way through the song making it some what up beat, and happy.

There are other tracks I am listening to but for every series I create there is a catalysis that triggers my subconscious and the ideas start to flow.

You may say that the image posted on the fan page today 2.19.2010 doesn't really match the sound, well in truth it doesn't. I love mysteries, puzzles, tricks, and riddles, so I ask you this. Is this the new Dream Mares & Night Scapes Series? Hmm?

Yes and no! would be the answer. I will be posting some images from time to time as part of the series but those are not the " Meat and Potato " of D.M.N.S. - Sinister

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